3Com PalmPilot3Com PalmPilotMike McCollister's PalmPilot Programs

This page has the 3Com PalmPilot programs that I have written. All programs are freeware. Enjoy!

If you have any questions or comments, write to Mike_McCollister@msn.com.

McChords Screen

Title: McChords
Version: 1.11 (06/26/1998)
Hardware: Palm III, PalmPilot Personal & Professional, Pilot 1000/5000
ZIP File: McChords.zip (freeware)

McChords will display the notes of selected chords on a piano keyboard. The key and chord are selectable via onscreen buttons. There is an option to play the individual notes of a chord or scale.

Version 1.11 Improvements

Version 1.1 Improvements

McRazor Screen

Title: McRazor
Version: 1.0 (09/20/1998)
Hardware: Palm III, PalmPilot Personal & Professional, Pilot 1000/5000
ZIP File: McRazor.zip (freeware)

This turns your Palm Connected Organizer into an electric razor.

Version 1.0

TC Assist Screen

Title: TC Assist
Version: 1.20 (09/20/1998)
Hardware: Palm III, PalmPilot Personal & Professional, Pilot 1000/5000
ZIP File: tcAssist.zip (freeware)

TC Assist is a tool designed to assist in filling out daily timecard entries. The user can enter start and stop time as well as the number of hours taken at lunch and hours worked. Either the start time, stop time or hours worked can be solved based on the other three parameters. An alarm option is also available.

Version 1.20 Improvements

Version 1.11 Improvements

Version 1.1 Improvements

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This page was last edited: Wednesday, September 23, 1998 05:59:53 AM